Day 1: Travel to Manali

After checking in to the hotel at Manali/Naggar the students will get some time to relax and acclimatise them selves.

Manali nestles at the head of a lush green valley, on the banks of the Beas River and at the base of the Himalayas. Towering two miles above us to the north of the town we can see 6600 m snowy peaks beneath which we will soon be cycling!

Accommodation: Hotel

Altitude: 1,925m

Day 2: Manali to Marhi

This is our first ascent as we begin to “warm up” for the tough ride ahead. Cycling out of Manali through an evergreen area of pine and deodar trees we tackle the first set of many hairpin bends and switchbacks on the way to the Rohtang pass. There are also orchards of apple trees and small hamlets along the route and as we ascend, we pass waterfalls tumbling down the mountains.


Accommodation: Camping

Cycling distance: 35km

Altitude: 3,312m (10,866ft)

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Total Climb: 1,890

Total Descent: 450

Day 3: Marhi to Sissu

We start the day by continuing along the 12km ascent to the Rohtang pass, where on a clear day, there are some lovely scenic views on the horizon of snow covered peaks and glaciers. After a refreshment stop in Rohtang, we leave the lush scenery behind and continue with a descent to Gramphu. From here we travel along some unmarked stretches of flat road and cross the raging torrent of the river at Khoksar. We continue with a short and easy ride to Sissu in the foothills of the Pir Panjal range.


Accommodation: Camping

Cycling distance: 47km

Altitude: 3,120m (10,236ft)

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Total Climb: 1,492

Total Descent: 1,759

Day 4: Sissu to Jispa

We set off with a short ride to Keylong keeping high on the valley side with several large up and downs on mostly good roads. You will notice that the terrain is becoming much more arid.  From Keylong we start with a steady climb and then the day ends with a long downhill into the hamlet of Jispa where we end the day on the bikes. This will be a relatively easy day of cycling.

Accommodation: Hotel

Cycling distance:  54km

Altitude: 3,350m (10,990ft)

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Total Climb: 1,325

Total Descent: 1,104

Day 5: Jispa to Zing Zing Bar

Leaving Jispa we come out of a gorge and briefly ride downhill before starting the ascent to Patseo crossing some streams that flow across the road. We begin to get a sense of the remoteness of the area, with just a few sheep dotted here and there. Travelling on we enter territory occupied by Lamas. On the horizon you can see the bleak, awesome spectacle of the Higher Himalayan ranges. From Patse we continue our climb for a further 10km to Zing Zing Bar then on a further 5 km up a series of zigzags to our campsite. Road conditions are good – mostly sealed with short sections under repair.

Accommodation: Camping

Cycling distance:  31km

Altitude: 4,020m (13,188ft)

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Total Climb: 1,202

Toal Descent: 410

Day 6: Zing Zing Bar to Sarchu

The hard long climb to the Baralacha La Pass continues today. However the tough cycling is rich in rewards as we travel through wild, scenic country. The pass itself is arid with no vegetation, the mountainside resembles a quarry, covered with loose rocks and gravel. Descending into the gorge area of Bharatpur we cross mountain rivers en route to our campsite 6km before Sarchu. Tonight you will relish the magnificent surroundings from our campsite in a wide open valley surrounded by impressive mountains.

Accommodation: Camping

Cycling distance:  53km

Altitude: 4,255m (13,960ft)

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Total Climb: 1065

Total Descent: 921

Day 7: Sarchu to Whisky Nullah

The day starts with some easy cycling along the river valley but we are soon tackling the twenty-one zigzag Gata Loops 15,030ft up the canyon wall. These have a good gradient and road surface but abiove these is a steeper push to the summit of the Nakeela Pass. Then its downhill to Whisky Nullah through beautiful arid mountain scenery of the high ranges.

Accommodation: Camping

Cycling distance: 56km

Altitude: 4,750m (15,583ft)

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Total Climb: 1,305

Total Descent: 1,095

Day 8: Whisky Nallah to Tso-Kar Lake

We begin today ascending the ascending the zigzags we can see from our campsite to second highest pass on the Manali-Leh highway up to Lachalang La. The road is now recently sealed with only a few rough patches. We have a long descent to Pang down a steep sided gorge followed by an 8km switchback climb before reaching the flat top of the Moray Plains. This barren area is known for its extreme temperatures in the morning and evening, fast winds and sandstorms. The only sign of life is the hardy Nomadic Changpas who can be seen tending their yaks and sheep in this most desolate of places. We continue across the plane, mostly downhill on a very good road which even has a white centreline! Then we turn off onto a rough sandy track for 5 km to reach our campsite near the shores of the Tso Kar salt lake.

Accommodation: Camping

Cycling distance: 75km

Altitude: 4,650m (15,255ft)

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Total Climb: 588

Total Descent: 566

Day 9: Tso-Kar Lake to Lato

This is a challenge indeed, as we head to the world’s second highest pass, the Tanglang La at 5,328m. A tough day but road conditions are good and mostly sealed the whole way and it is truly satisfying when you reach the top. We set off again down the exhilarating 1,200m descent of switchbacks to the village of Rumptse. There are tiny villages as we enter into populated and more fertile terrain. The air feels warmer as we cycle on to the village of Lato nestled under immense rock faces.

Accommodation: Camping

Cycling distance: 69km

Altitude: 3,650m (11,975ft)

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Total Climb: 905

Total Descent: 1,370

Day 10: Lato to Leh

Continuing uphill to Upshi, the scenery changes dramatically; we enter a fertile irrigated river valley dotted with pretty villages and Stupas. The spectacular red-hued mountains around us add to the beauty and richness of our environment. Crossing the Indus River the road improves as we head towards Leh. This is an easy stretch, we pass the Thiksey Monastery and the Chortens Garden en route.


After reaching Leh check-inn to hotel relax all will get time to take hot shower and then at night will take the group out for dinner in some famous restaurant of Leh.

Accommodation: Hotel

Cycling distance: 75km

Altitude: 3,500m (11,482ft)

Meals: Breakfast and Lunch

Total Climb: 1,785

Total Descent: 1,220

Day 11: Leh

Breakfast in hotel

It’s a free day for everyone. Due to less time we can keep only one free day in Leh but there are many things to see around, so we always leave this choice on students and teacher to do according to their interests, but our company person will be always there to help you in giving instructions and arranging the things you want to do.

Dinner at hotel where we are staying

Day 12: Leh to Delhi by Flight

Breakfast at hotel and check-out

Dropping to the Airport

Inclusions :-

  • Cycling expedition of 12 days
  • One night rooms with meals at Naggar/Manali
  • Two night rooms with meals at Leh
  • 8 nights camping on full board
  • TREK, SCOTT, RALEIGH MTB bikes with helmet, spare bikes
  • All spare parts of bicycles
  • All camping gears, tents, sleeping bags, dining tables, camping chairs, power generator, toilet tents for girls
  • Back-up jeeps and bus
  • Guides with cycles to lead students
  • All meals (veg & nonveg), including mineral water
  • Energy Refreshments (dry fruits, chocolates of different types, fruit juices, candies, cake, namkeen, flavoured amul milk, cookies etc.)
  • Trained mechanic to help the students to service their cycles.
  • The students will also get the opportunity to learn servicing the cycles
  • Your School Doctor to accompany the group in the back-up SUV will not be charged
  • First-aid kit
  • Professional Photographer (Soft copies of pictures videos taken during the expedition will be provided to school)
  • Certificates and Souvenirs to each student from our company

Exclusions :-

  • Any sightseeing and SUV for visit to Pangong Lake / khardungla pass / Nubra Valley
  • Or anything else which is not mentioned above
  • Any transportation beyond the itinerary
  • Personal items and clothings
  • Extra cost that may arrive due to delay because of acts of nature / curfew /government regulation or any other condition whatsoever, which are beyond the control of ADVENTURE MAN TRIPS company and its Crew
  • Personal expenses, tips and donations, insurance against loss of baggage, damage of valuables, theft of personal items / belongings, medical expenses in case of accident
  • In case of early discontinuation of the expedition by the student, the expenses of return will not be included and has to be dealt personally.




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